
The project consists of a series of graphical designs, animations, and videos. Main part of the work will be created and generated by Touchdesigner and Processing. These softwares will generate patterns and animations based on the change of certain variables and use of programming in order to present manipulated visual transformations and effects. In the final step, generated images and videos will be edited through Photoshop and Premiere. 

As the pandemic shows how important the Internet is for humans, I feel the convenience brought by the Internet. At the same time, I question the perception and lifestyle humans hold from this pandemic, and consequences which may interfere with the coexistence between human and nature.


Wang Bao-Pu born in Dandong, North-east of China. He currently studies Interdisciplinary Visual Art at University of Washington. He started to create digital artwork during the pandemic. He focuses on individuals’ emotions and their interaction with the whole society. His artwork shows how art associate with present and digitized future.

nience brought by the internet, at the same time, question the perception and lifestyle humans hold from this pandemic, and consequences which may interfere with the coexistence between human and nature.